Our teacher training course is run through MSTA. For more information please contact Mrs Thackstone.

A Big School with a Big Heart

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For further Admissions information, please see our Admissions Policy 25/26 in the Policies section of the website.

Green Lane operates a single intake into Reception with children starting full time schooling in the September preceding their fifth birthday.


The Academy maintains a register of children requesting a place in Nursery. The school operates a 39 place Nursery. Three year old children are eligible for admission to the Nursery, although the date of admission is dependent upon places being available. Priority is given to the children living within the Academy’s admission zone.

Attendance is on a part-time basis, morning or afternoon, as allocated. There is no differentiation between morning and afternoon sessions, each being three hours long. Parents are welcome to stay with their children until they are confidently settled. Opportunities exist for more flexible arrangements – i.e. 30 hour provision for eligible parents. The Nursery Staff will discuss this with nursery parents.

N.B. Parents should note that a place in Nursery does not guarantee a place in main school – please see below.

School Admissions

The Legacy Learning Trust is the Admissions Authority for the school. These arrangements are established in accordance with Annex 1 of the Academy’s Supplemental Funding Agreement.

The Local Authority, Middlesbrough Council, Admissions Team will coordinate all admissions and is referred to as the coordinated admissions scheme.

All Reception and In Year admissions will be requested via the LA common admissions form.

School Admissions Policies can be found in the Policies section of the website.

Further information regarding school admissions can be found via the link below:


Admission Appeals

Parents/carers who wish to appeal the decision of the school (The Legfacy Learning Trust – Admissions Authority) to refuse their child a place at the school may apply in writing to the school, using the schools’ Appeal Form, where appeals will be heard by an independent panel.

School cannot offer bespoke letters or support parents/carers appealing other school. School data held by the school can be provided upon request.

Further Appeal information can be found via the link below:


Admission Appeal Timetable 

The following applies to Admission Appeals to Reception Class 2025

DateActions Taken
15th January 2025Closing Date for Applications to Reception Class 2025
16th April 2025National Offer Day
23rd May 2025Deadline for Receipt of Admission Appeals
From July 2025Appeals Heard by Independent Panel

The Academy does maintain a register of interest of those parents who would like their children to attend Green Lane. This list is shared with the local authority but can only be considered in line with the criteria described below.

Parents who have been unsuccessful in their request for a school place for their child have the right to appeal. This must be done directly to the Academy and not via the local authority. For more information about the appeals process, please see the Admission Appeals policy on our policies page. 
